Italian Sports Newspaper Headlines for December 7th, 2011

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Gazzetta dello Sport

Tevez, there is a signature

  • Loan, then contract until 2015. “I want Milan”.
  • He will earn 2.5 million, then his salary will increase to 5 million per season. Future fee set at 23 million. Galliani: “He gave up a lot of money for us”.
Pato & Robinho score, at Prague a last minute draw
  • The Brazilian tandem breakthrough at the beginning of the second half. At the end Allegri’s team stops, then comes the 2-2 from Viktoria.
Come on Napoli make history! Against Villarreal like at the San Paolo
  • Mazzarri: “Only victory, we must not think about Man City”.
The restyling Inter begins with Juan, Kucka and Vargas
  • Tonight at the San Siro against CSKA in the Champions League. Ranieri: “We must win for the money and ranking”.
Vucinic, stop of 20 days. For Conte there is a problem in the attackMou: his ten commandments to take on Barca

Spalletti ok, Drogba leads Chelsea 


Dzeko to Juve: “Is there room for me?”

  • The Bosnian striker of Manchester City called Barzagli, whom he played with at Wolfsburg, to inform himself on the club bianconero. An old flame that returns? Meanwhile the race for a central defender leads to Juan, also on interest to Inter. Vucinic out for three weeks due to a muscular injury. Marchisio: “I miss the derby”.
Milan-Tevez: agreement. Galliani: City will say yes
  • The Argentine has accepted a huge reduction to his wages. Against Viktoria from 2-0 to 2-2.
Inter: Farfan and Pizarro to return to being great
  • The Werder striker will arrive if Milito leaves. Tonight the match against CSKA.

The case: Padova-Torino the last 14 minutes on December 14th

Napoli: history could be made against Villarreal

Luis Enrique to Roma: “I am not giving up”

To achieve safety Novara look to El Shaarawy 

Corriere dello Sport

Milan, Tevez with Ibra. The most beautiful pair in the world

  • Agreement with the Argentine, the only thing missing is the yes from City, a stellar attack is born.
  • Galliani: “Carlitos only wants us, giving up on a lot of money”. He will make 3 million until June. Champions League: in Prague Milan-2 gets a 2-2 (Pato and Robinho).
“Napoli, make histoy”
  • Champions League, Mazzarri at Vila Real has the round of 16 on the line which has never been reached before. Inter, there is CSKA.
Our investigation: how to change calcio
  • The contracts, the TV rights, the stadiums, the taxes, the merchandising: a trip into the world that is waiting for a huge turning point.
Roma-Luis Enrique: meeting. Juve, Vucinic comes back in January
  • Face to face at Trigoria between the coach and the giallrossi: there are still points of tension.
  • An injury to the hamstring of the juventino 20 days out. Marchisio leads the charge: “I believe in the scudetto”.
Chelsea and Spalletti advance in the Champions League. Marseille: miracle
  • The English side run over Valencia: Villas Boas is safe. Zenit hold out in Oporto. The French side comeback from 0-2 to 3-2 at the end: Olympiakos eliminated.
Penalty reduced: 3 points given back to Ascoli
  • Serie B: the TNAS give fresh air to the marchigiani. Padova-Toro, they will restart from the 76th minute.

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