Introducing… Forza Italian Football TV

Date: 7th January 2017 at 3:11am
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Here at Forza Italian Football, we are always trying to bring your daily fix of Calcio to you. To help us do that, we have started a YouTube channel, Forza Italian Football TV.


You are probably familiar with our features by now, as well as our podcast, but now we want to expand and provide you with videos as well.

Our plan is to make FIFTV the easiest way for you to consume and digest the latest from Calcio from all across Italy.

From breaking news and interesting talking points, we will have it all covered. Head over to YouTube now and subscribe to make sure you never miss a thing.

Remember, whether it’s on YouTube or our FIF Podcast, we want to know your thoughts. So make sure to subscribe, like, and comment to let us know what you think.


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